Friday, August 10, 2012

Last call: Dr.Lucido's Berkeley Office Open House: Sunday 8/12, 2-6pm! CD collection give-away

Last call: Dr.Lucido's Berkeley Office Open House: Sunday 8/12, 2-6pm!  CD collection give-away

Dr.Lucido's Berkeley Office Open House
Sunday afternoon, August 12,  2pm til 6pm.
2300 Durant Avenue
Berkeley Ca 94704

full invitation at:

Family Practice since 1979
Medical Cannabis Consultation

4pm: Short formal presentation:
Dr Frank Lucido MD
and Dr. Maria Mangini PhD, FNP
will reflect on our chosen careers
and how a chance encounter at Esalen in 1977 has led to many years of collaboration in and out of the office

RSVP to or leave message at 877-787-6900

Light refreshments catered-yum
***CD giveaway: Every person who RSVP's and attends, will be given a surprise CD from DrFrank's personal CD collection of over 500 discs until he runs out!
(((I'm getting excited about giving my CD collection away
Don't miss out!
rsvp AND attend, and get one mystery CD from my collection.
I have ALL of the Beates, Stones, Jackson Brown.
Some Grateful Dead, Neville Brothers, Doors, Leadbelly, Sex Pistols, Santana, Sheryl Crow, Timbuk 3, Sinead, Patti Smith,
Frank Sinatra, Sammy Kaye, Jimmy Durante, Nirvana.  Don't like you mystery pick?  You get to trade with others recipients for the one you want..)))))

Frank H. Lucido MD
Family Practice since 1979
Medical Cannabis Consultation
Expert Witness
2300 Durant Avenue
Berkeley Ca 94704
510.848.0958 (by appointment only)
Michigan office: 877-787-6900
   (24 hr message line)

Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Act of 2014

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