Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dr. Frank Lucido breaks 4 ribs 6/21/08 (old news to some)

Dr. Frank Lucido’s blog:
“Pot Shots from the Bully Pulpit”
Bookmark it now, or subscribe to this blog for updates, otherwise you’ll only get my MedBoardWatch.com email newsletter once every few months.

Dr. Frank Lucido breaks 4 ribs 6/21/08 (This is one month-old news now, but news to some of you.)

OUCH! 4 broken ribs. Don’t make me laugh, please.

No better way to get readership up on my new blog
than to have a life-threatening accident and survive to tell about it.

I was hoping to have my first 4 or 5 pieces posted on my new blog by now,
But stay tuned for a few, all at once. Soon.

I have spent so much time filling people in on my injury of June 21, that I thought I’d take the time to write it up, and post it.
Now I can refer people to this post, and I’ll have a lot more time to write new stuff. or to learn to ride better.

Short version of my accident:
Fell of a horse and broke 4 ribs 6/21/08, 1 month ago.
Healing on schedule.

From the beginning, as long as I don’t move, laugh, cough, walk jauntily, etc., the pain has been tolerable, mostly 3 out of 10.
And I have been able to use my legs to go between these 2 positions, and not hurt my back more.

3 ribs broken left antero-lateral chest, (ribs 3-7 area).
But one rib is also broken near spine, so going from lying down to sitting was more like 8-9 pain on a scale of 10, so even thinking about lying down for a nap was scary.

Until day 5: when I borrowed a friend’s Laz-E-Boy recliner. Thanks!
With that chair, I could go to bed or nap without crying, and get up and down by arm power, and spare my back.

And now 1 month later, I have even been able to sleep in my own bed for the past 4 nights. Sweet!

Other than the problem of reclining, my recovery has been pretty uneventful, and after spending the first few days at home, I was able to go to office and see patients on a reduced schedule after the one week.

Now back to almost normal schedule after one month.

Thanks for asking!
I actually liked telling the story, but this posting will be a timesaver!

Odd and ends:
I have had to be careful opening funny email.
I avoided phone or email contact with certain fraternity brothers, and I wouldn’t even go near my friend Ralph’s emails.
Mom even got me with a funny email. We could laugh about it after the first week, a little anyway. Love you Mom!
Also soda water got me coughing once, before I wised up to how painful humor and seltzer water could be. (Clarabelle the Clown would be a double whammy! Ha ha, OUCH!
I kill me!, ha, ha... OUCH!… getting better now.) Ha! My laughter is coming back.

Dr Frank Lucido

Coming up on this blog, soon,
Really this time:

Several, until now, unpublished pieces I have written about safe and appropriate medical cannabis practice standards, and why credibility is important.
These pieces will come in rapid succession this coming week. My new blog will allow people to respond to me on each post.
I plan to review all posts, and according to plan, none should automatically be posted without my review.
But, hey, I am new at blogging, so can’t guarantee that, but that’s my plan.

But: I will read all replies, and may respond privately on request.

Upcoming blog pieces:

The Victory of Raich: What individual patients have won; and why some are still getting hurt

Dr. Frank’s appearance on O’Reilly Factor: A broken clock is right twice a day

What is the range of service, fees, and credibility of cannabis physician? (which attempts to answer the questions: What Is “Medical?” or How Long Does It Take to write a recommendation?)

Holding the Center

Civil disobedience vs. civil obedience: What's the difference? When is each appropriate? And for whom?

Dr. Frank Lucido’s blog:
“Pot Shots from the Bully Pulpit”
Bookmark it now, or subscribe to this blog for updates, otherwise you’ll only get my MedBoardWatch.com email newsletter once every few months.

Frank H. Lucido MD
Family Practice since 1979
Medical Cannabis Consultation
Expert Witness
2300 Durant Avenue
Berkeley Ca 94704
(by appointment only)

(formerly MedicalBoardWatch.com)
email: DrFrank@DrLucido.com


At July 22, 2008 at 7:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't realize how painful the broken ribs were. Glad to hear the healing is going well.


At July 30, 2008 at 6:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have sympathy for your pain. I broke ribs 5 & 6, just a few inches from my spine, almost three weeks ago when I fell off a ladder.

At August 1, 2008 at 12:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're on the mend. Always remember that the hardest thing about riding is the ground! I can attest to the fact that the ground is harder now than it was 30 years ago. I hope this doesn't keep you from riding in the future!

Thanks for your untiring work for the patients of this state!

Take care, Dawn Evango

At August 20, 2019 at 10:26 AM , Blogger Frank H. Lucido M.D. said...

8/20/19 curren link to Medical Board's statement on Medical Cannabis:


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