Survey on 2012 California State Initiative to legalize or regulate cannabis
Survey on 2012 California State Initiative to legalize or regulate cannabis
Highlights of this posting:
1. Survey on 2012 California State Initiative to legalize or regulate cannabis.
This survey was created by attorney Joe Rogoway et al. at Cannabis Law Institute
I would love your input between now and Friday, when I will begin 3 days of meetings regarding the future of cannabis policy, and medical cannabis. Those responding will receive my summary of the results via email.
Please respond with your opinions asap.
Responses after that date are still welcome, of course.
See below.
2. I plan to post on my blog more frequently, but from now on, I am only going to send emails out occasionally.
To keep up on ALL future postings, and announcements of events I will host, as they are posted,
3. Closed blog for AIMLegal PHYSICIANS ONLY (Association of Independent Medical-Legal Consultants )
This will be my online subscription course, a prerequisite to being listed on my AIMLegal physician locator at:
"Expert Witness" quality physicians: Why not choose the best?
4. Links to my 2 most recent blogs postings
until now, only available to those who have signed up at:
January 19, 2011
Why doctors can’t work in/for dispensaries or cross-refer.
Conant v McCaffrey, Conant v Walters salient exerpts
In short: By virtue of Conant, physicians are the only ones involved in medical cannabis who are legal federally, and then ONLY IF they are not aiding and abetting a patient in breaking federal law.
January 17, 2011
Civil disobedience vs civil obedience: when is each appropriate
Crossing the line, and knowing where the line is.
(Frank Lucido's personal experience with non-violent resistance against nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site, and how this relates to the medical cannabis issue)
Survey on next State Initiative to legalize or regulate cannabis (2012)
This survey was created by attorney Joe Rogoway et al. at Cannabis Law Institute
I would love your input between now and Friday, when I will begin 3 days of meetings regarding the future of cannabis policy, and medical cannabis. Responses after that date are still welcome, of course.
peace and health,
Frank Lucido MD
1. What elements are absolutely critical to include in the 2012 initiative?
2. What items should be specifically excluded from the language.
3. How should the issue of medical cannabis be addressed?
4. Should the penalties for violations of California's new cannabis
laws be criminal, civil, or both? Explain.
5. At what age should a person be able to lawfully participate in
cannabis related activities. Should the age differ depending on the
6. What limits, if any, should be placed on personal cannabis use and
7. How long should the initiative itself be?
8. How would you like to see the initiative campaign run?
9. How far should the initiative go regarding commercial/industrial activities.
10. What types if consumer protections, if any, should be included in
the initiative.
email your responses to me at:
Frank Lucido