Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dr. Frank: Michigan June 24,25,28; seminars for patients, physicians Oakland, California soon: new location TBA

Dr. Frank in Michigan June 24,25,28; seminars for patients, physicians in Oakland, California new location TBA!

Dr. Frank in Michigan June 24-June 28, available to see patients in Ann Arbor, Lansing area
to schedule:
email or call office 510-848-0958 during office hours 9-noon, 1:30-4pm Pacific Time

Also in this blog:
Report on Frank's last trip to Michigan, and Dr. Frank's AIMLegal Physician Seminar in Detroit May 8

Coming up in Next Blog:
New venue for Dr. Frank's seminars for patients, physicians in Oakland To Be Announced soon!
Report on High Times 1st ever Medical Cannabis Cup in San Francisco this past weekend June 19, 20, 2010
Report on Maine Medical Cannabis Conference Saturday, University of Southern Maine, June 5, 2010
Keynote speaker was Montel Williams
Also: My Montel Williams and Angel Raich story from Drug Policy Alliance Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico last November, 2009

Report on Frank's trip to Michigan: Michigan AIMLegal Michigan Pioneers of Medical Cannabis:

Report on Michigan trip
I was in Michigan April 30-May 10 to:
1. spend some good time with mom and family and friends
2. connect with the Michigan medical cannabis community
3. hold a seminar for medical cannabis physicians and
4. perform medical cannabis evaluations

I feel good about all 4, and had a great time for the 10 days I was in Michigan
1. Good family time staying at my Mom's for 10 days, in East Lansing area (Hi Mom, Dad, brother Mark!!)

2. connect with the Michigan medical cannabis community:
Saturday, May 1:
I had my brother Mark reserve a picnic area in Lake Lansing Park, and I sent out a last minute email invite to my Michigan contacts just before I left California, so I had no idea if ANYONE was going to show up.

I billed it as:
Dr. Frank Lucido's Seminar for Patients, Caregivers, and Patients Advocates: Everybody's Entitled to My Opinion, or 14 years experience with medical cannabis consulting. There will be ample time for Q & A.
My soundbite for Michigan:

I'm glad my brother Mark, and friend Derek came, because for the first hour it was just the 3 of us playing Frisbee. (still lots of fun!)
Then my only other guest showed up.
One person.
But it was the perfect person for me to meet:
Robin Schneider, president of the Capital City Compassion Club.
We spoke for the next hour. I got to talk about my 14 years experience, and got to hear what's been going in Lansing area medical cannabis issues.
I really like the idea of Compassion Clubs, especially to the extent that their intention is not commercial, but informational and networking.
That week, I got to see Robin's name in the Lansing State Journal, about her testimony to the Lansing City Council, about a proposed ordinance that "would require a permit for commercial establishments" growing, storing or dispensing of medical marijuana, including for home delivery."
according to the May 5 article. See:

Also on May 2, I was in Ann Arbor at a benefit for SSDP (Students for a Sensible Drug Policy), held at the Michigan Union, at my alma mater, University of Michigan.
Chris Chiles, the outgoing president of Ann Arbor SSDP used the occasion of his graduation to hold a benefit for National SSDP(Students for a Sensible Drug Policy)

I was honored to be asked to speak, and was happy to donate to this great organization.
Mission Statement

Students for Sensible Drug Policy is an international grassroots network of students who are concerned about the impact drug abuse has on our communities, but who also know that the War on Drugs is failing our generation and our society.

SSDP mobilizes and empowers young people to participate in the political process, pushing for sensible policies to achieve a safer and more just future, while fighting back against counterproductive Drug War policies, particularly those that directly harm students and youth.

Good going Chris!

3. hold a seminar for medical cannabis physicians:
On Saturday, May 8, 2010, I held my 2nd AIMLegal Course for Physicians from 10am-4pm in
DETROIT, at Law Office of Matthew Abel in Detroit.

I have known Matt Abel for several years, seeing him at NORML Conferences each year, and lately again at various events in my home-state of Michigan, since Michigan became the 13th state to pass a medical cannabis law in 2008.
When I told Matt that I would be having a physician's Seminar on Medical Cannabis, he volunteered the Conference Room of his Detroit law offices at 2930 E. Jefferson Ave in downtown Detroit. It was newly carpeted just in time for the May 8 Seminar, and proved to be a great space for this and future events.

My goal is to make more community based physicians feel comfortable making safe and appropriate recommendations for medical cannabis.
Preferably still practicing medicine besides medical cannabis.

As with my first course in San Francisco last February
there were a number of
Physician-covered topics, and a
panel of knowledgeable local attorneys.
For Michigan, I decided to add a Michigan Medical Cannabis Pioneers panel.

Physician-covered topics:
History of cannabis as medicine; historical, recent
Cannabis benefits, risks
Cannabis bio-chemistry, physiology
Medical-legal practice and ethics: why do ethics matter with a low-risk medicine?
Discussion on Risks to physicians
California report: Which doctors get investigated and why
Special cases: minors, elders, pregnancy, schizophrenia
Methods of use
State and Federal laws (disclaimer: I am not an attorney)

My Attorneys Panel consisted of 3 excellent, experienced Michigan attorneys
Matthew Abel, Detroit attorney,
His practice, Cannabis Counsel, P.L.C., is entirely devoted to cannabis cases and clients. Mr. Abel's Detroit law office provides criminal defense of marijuana cases throughout Michigan. He is a lifetime member of the NORML Legal Committee and NACDL, and is a member of the Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys of Michigan, the National Lawyers Guild, Americans for Safe Access, and the ACLU of Michigan legal committee.

Thomas M. Loeb, attorney in Farmington Hills, Michigan
Thomas Loeb is an experienced and dedicated trial lawyer who focuses his practice on criminal defense, divorce and family law, plaintiff's police misconduct, and grievance defense.
He is also member of the NORML Legal Committee, and and is knowledgeable on cannabis law.

John Targowski, Criminal Defense Attorney in Kalamazoo, Michigan, on the legal committee of the National Organization to Reform Marijuana Laws (NORML)

Michigan Medical Cannabis PIONEERS panel
Expanding on my basic physician seminar agenda of physician delivered topics, and a panel of knowledgeable local attorney, I decided to add a panel of Michigan Medical Cannabis Pioneers.
Time Beck and Adam Book consented

Tim Beck and Adam Brook spoke of their experiences as committed activists and patient advocates

I have known Tim for about 20 years now, but have been seeing him more frequently since Michigan passed their medical cannabis law in 2008.
Tim had just spearheaded a successful signature drive that has put on Detroit's November ballot, an initiative that would allow possession of up to 1 ounce of cannabis on private property by adults 21 and older, and it was a pleasure to hear him report on this recent success, and the many steps that led up it.
"Supporters of the proposal say it would free police to go after violent criminals, ease jail crowding and even encourage a safe alternative to alcohol."
Tim gives a good interview on the issue to WJR radio at:

Adam Brook
I just met Adam last year October, when I was in Detroit speaking of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Symposium at Wayne State Law School, and have been impressed by his activism and dedication.
Adam has been organizing the Ann Arbor Hash Bash for the past couple decades now.
The first Hash Bash was in 1971, when I was a Freshman at U of Michigan Medical School!

2 other Pioneers I invited, but who were unable to attend, are still deserving of being named
Michigan Pioneers of Medical Cannabis:

Mike Whitty has been a friend of mine for over 20 years now.
He's a Professor at University of Detroit Mercy, and the University of San Francisco.
and unfortunately was in California when I was holding my seminar in Detroit, but he is still one of the pioneers of Michigan Medical Cannabis!

Chuck Ream was similarly unable to attend, but nonetheless is one of the committed activists who has pushed for marijuana law reform, and was instrumental in having Michigan become the 13th medical marijuana state in 2008

I intend to hold more AIMLegal Physician Seminars in the next few months, and hope to have one in Lansing area this Fall 2010.
I'd especially like to do one in Lansing sometime, but can do one wherever for as few a 5 physicians.

AIMLegal Physician Locator:
Association of Independent Medical-Legal Consultants (AIMLegal)
Expert Witness quality physicians: Why not choose the best?

4. perform medical cannabis evaluations
I saw 7 patients for medical cannabis evaluation, in Lansing area, and in Ann Arbor.

I plan to be in Michigan June 24-June 28, and will be available to see patients in Ann Arbor, Lansing area, and possibly Detroit.

Next Blog:
Update on High Times Medical Cannabis Cup event in San Francisco this past weekend June 19, 20
My Montel Williams and Angel Raich story

More Than Just Medical Marijuana.
Primary Care Medicine: Experienced, Trusted
Frank H. Lucido MD Maria Mangini PhD, FNP Family Medicine since 1979 Medical Cannabis Consultations since 1996
Primary Care Medicine in the Bay Area, California
New Family Practice Patients welcome. Patient-centered care. Experienced practitioners. Courteous, respectful staff.
ey, CA 94704
For Appointment: 510-848-0958 Association of Independent Medical-Legal Consultants
Your Source for Expert Witness-Quality Cannabis Physicians
Founder: Dr. Frank H. Lucido, M.D.
Co-Founder of American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine (AACM) Founder of MedicalBoardWatch
• Expert Witness on Cannabis and Medical Practice • Family Medicine since 1979 • Medical Cannabis Consultant since 1996
Seminars on Medical Cannabis for Physicians Seminars on Medical Cannabis for Patients and Caregivers California • Michigan • Other States By Arrangement
Online Locators • Physician and Cannabis Expert Witness Listings*
For Appointments or *To Get a Listing: 510-848-0958
Michigan Office: 877-787-6900 message phone

(Association of Independent Medical-Legal Consultants)AIMLegal Physician Locator:
To be kept up to date on future events, sign up for my blog at:

Also see prior blog:
DrFrank's Medical Cannabis Seminars for Patients and Physicians: AIMLegal

O'Shaughnessy's online: Journal of the Society of Cannabis Clinicians
Current and Back issues linked online at this url.


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