Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dr. Frank Lucido's Published Writings to date

Dr. Frank Lucido's Published Writings to date


MAY 15, 2009

Dr Lucido's Statement to the Medical Board of California 5/8/09


March 20, 2009

Dr.Lucido's 30 yrs in Practice: Benefit Party for O'Shaughnessy's


March 11, 2009

One Step Towards a National Health Plan-Frank Lucido MD


August 31, 2008

3 Things Money Can't Buy


August 19, 2008

Society of Cannabis Clinicians meets in L.A. 8/1/08



August 19, 2008

“Hunter, Willie, Tommy, and me":  Dr. Frank Lucido joins NORML Advisory Board


July 27, 2008

Why Are Credible Practice Standards Important?




July 27, 2008

The “Victory” of Raich: what patients have won



July 25, 2008

Broken Clock Right Twice a Day: O'Reilly Factor Appearance of Dr. Frank Lucido



July 25, 2008

Holding the Center



July 25, 2008

Credibility-Attorney Dennis Roberts' Testimonial

 email Newsletters:



June/July 2008: Dr. Lucido Ends Ties to Insurance Industry “Managed 


Major changes in Dr. Frank Lucido’s Primary Care Practice 

Primary Care and Medical Cannabis Practice now open to new patients 

Primary Care Practice No Longer a “Participating Provider” for Health 




Jan/Feb 2008: Medical Board Makes Mikuriya Ruling "Precedential"

MedBoardWatch Report on the Medical Board of California's July 2007 

Quarterly Meeting



July, 2007: "Blessed Are the Caregivers"

An Open Letter to Patients Groups, Dispensaries, Collectives

Avoid the "DEA magnets": dispensaries and physicians which cross-refer.



Jan-Feb, 2007: "Good Doctor, Bad Doctor"

Physician Practice Standards Survey: Results of 2005 Survey





O’Shaughnessy’s articles:

Winter/Spring 2008

Medical Board Makes Mikuriya Ruling "Precendential" by Frank Lucido MD



Co-author of physician Survey of patient diagnoses, ages, etc.


Spring 2006



Autumn 2005

Practitioner's Perspective: Don't Lie to Your Doctor

By Frank Lucido, MD




Winter/Spring 2005

Medical Board Watch, by Frank Lucido, M.D. Enforcement Monitor Errs on Cannabis


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Pratitioner's Perspective



A Cautionary Tale (For Doctors and Patients)

By Frank H. Lucido, MD 
with Mariavittoria Mangini, PhD, FNP




Autumn 2004

Why I'm Starting MedBoardWatch.Com

By Frank Lucido MD with Fred Gardner




Spring, 2004:

Implementation of the Compassionate Use Act

In a Family Medical Practice:

Seven Years' Clinical Experience by Frank H. Lucido, MD, with Mariavittoria Mangini, PhD, FNP




Spring, 2004:

Quote in Fred Gardner’s article “Cannabis for the Wounded”

“Viet Nam vets have shown me that, in many cases, cannabis is the one medicine that has consistently helped their seriously disabling symptoms, allowing them to function, hold jobs, keep their relationships intact, raise families, for the past 30 or so years, when years of therapy, numerous meds have not.” —Frank H. Lucido, MD




Summer 2003

Quoted in Fred Gardner’s article

Which Conditions are Californians Actually Treating With Cannabis? By Fred Gardner

• How many patients have received your approval to use cannabis?

Lucido (Berkeley): About 2,000 seen at a general family-practice office in Berkeley.

What percentage had been self-medicating with cannabis prior to consulting you?

Lucido: 99%

• With what medical conditions have they presented? List top five and approximate percentage (total can exceed 100%).

Lucido: chronic pain, musculoskeletal (50%); chronic headache (5%); chronic anxiety (5%); chronic depression (5%); PTSD (5%).

• Have you encountered any out-of-the-ordinary conditions being treated effectively with cannabis?

Lucido: MS, Parkinson’s.

• Your observations re safety and efficacy.

Lucido: Extremely safe, very effective.

To how many patients have you recommended cannabis as a treatment for ADHD?

Lucido: 20. Research should be carried out in this area.

How many of your patients are consciously substituting cannabis for alcohol?

Lucido: 10-20.


Friday, May 15, 2009

Dr Lucido's Statement to the Medical Board of California 5/8/09

Dear members of the Medical Board of California,
I have been WRITING about what I like to TALK about on my blog:
That cannabis is safe and effective medicine.
That doctors are protected all the way to the Supreme Court in making appropriate recommendations, as long as they don't aid and abet a patient in breaking federal law. (see: )
I plan to have a monthly series of talks or roundtable discussions for patients and caregivers (as opposed to "the industry").
And also I plan to teach physicians in California and other medical cannabis states my procedures for making safe and appropriate recommendations.
I'd like to see more primary care physicians feel comfortable making appropriate recommendations, especially those already established in the community, and having the respect of their peers.
If we treat cannabis like the medicine it is, it will eventually be an over-the-counter medicine for adults.
And this could happen in one of three ways:
1. It could be an executive order from the President.
2. It could be re-scheduled from Schedule I to Schedule II or III (and then the insurance companies would lobby to make it an over-the-counter drug, once they have to pay for it).
or more likely,
3. California could vote to "tax and regulate" like the city of Oakland did in 2004 with Measure Z.

I have laid out some of my major talking points in my 10 or 12 blog entries:
Dr Frank Lucido's Bully Pulpit: Everybody's Entitled to My Opinion
My most recent blog postings:
Successful Benefit for O'Shaughnessy's, Journal of the Society of Cannabis Clinicians
Dr.Lucido's 30th year in Practice: (est. December 10, 1979, Berkeley, California)
One Step Towards a National Health Plan- by Frank Lucido MD
3 Things Money Can't Buy
Society of Cannabis Clinicians meets in L.A. 8/1/08
“Hunter, Willie, Tommy, and me…”
Why Are Credible Practice Standards Important?
The “Victory” of Raich: what patients have won
A Broken Clock Is Right Twice a Day: O'Reilly Factor Appearance of Dr. Frank Lucido
Holding the Center
Credibility-Attorney Dennis Roberts' Testimonial
Frank H. Lucido MD
Family Practice since 1979
Medical Cannabis Consultation
Expert Witness
2300 Durant Avenue
Berkeley Ca 94704
510.848.0958 (by appointment only)